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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bulimia - unstoppable hunger

bulimia is danger
Bulimia means "bulls famine" and comes from the Greek words bous (ox) and limos (hunger). For people who suffer from bulimia, food is nice and auto destructive drug. Nervousness bulimia is a disease that is most common with girls in a later adolescence or young adult age, and rarely occurs with men. It is characterized by the episodes of overindulgence - taking large amounts of food in a short time. In more serious cases, people can eat huge amounts of food, usually carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrate material contain tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin, the chemical combination that brings a sense of calmness and satisfaction. So many people with a lack of serotonin are dependent on hydrocarbons, specifically on various sweets, bakery products and pasta.

Disorder of overindulgence
Disorder known by the name of "binge eating disorder" often means taking large quantities of food. The person feels an absence of control and is not able to stop eating when the attack of overindulgence happens. Can eat quickly larger quantities, or nibble food all day. Before the appearance of disturbance, probably was unsuccessful in dieting a few times. Mostly suffers from excessive weight and depression. Unlike bulimic patients, those who have pure overindulgence disorder usually do not vomit, do not take laxative excessive or exercise too much. In order to prevent undesirable consequence of overindulgence - getting the weight - people occasionally restricts entry of food and vomit, take laxative or exercise excessively. Overindulgence is usually followed by feelings of anxiety, sadness and guilt.

Some people overeat several times during the day, and every time after a binge, resort to vomiting. When it is "caught" by overindulgence, person can consume 5000 calories a day, and there are recorded cases of up to 25,000 calories in one day. It is very possible to die from acute expansion of the esophagus.Some people lust for food so strongly that people go through trash cans in search of food or steals from the shelves in supermarkets, only to fulfill the need. Person feels that its illness and needs are disgusting and holds them in secret.

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