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Thursday, July 16, 2009

About bulimia

Bulimia is a real disease and people suffering from it usually are not able to control the disease without professional help. Pleads from family and friends to stop such conduct in the best cases are useless, but in the worst have the opposite effect.
It is considered that the pressures and conflicts within the family are initial signs of bulimia. A bulimic is usually a person who wants too much and strives to achieve perfection, and feels that it cannot meet the expectations of their parents. Her self-esteem is very low and suffers from depression. Maybe as a child it was physically or sexually abused, about half of all sick persons suffering from bulimia in the past had experience of abuse.

Signs that indicate a bulimia:
Often is the ideal body weight sustainable
Enhanced fear of getting fat
Consuming the food in excessive quantities
Secretly consuming food
A common feeling of hunger
Preoccupation thoughts about food and consuming food
Lack of control in the vicinity of food

Emotional characteristics:
Frequent mood changes
Abuse of drugs and alcohol
Disrespect of yourself
Great need for acceptance by the surroundings

Physical characteristics:problems with teeth
shaggy lips
thyroid problems
self-maiming * sore throat
irregular menstrual cycle
heart problems

New research on diet: Former Vegetarians inclined to get bulimia

Former Vegetarians inclined to get bulimia
Research recently conducted in the United States proved that the former vegetarian were inclined to get eating disorders.

In relation to the examinees that have a normal diet, the former Vegetarians have higher chances to consume large amounts of food in a short time and then force its ejection from the body.
Thus, to ex-vegetarians bulimia is more threatening, and they often use medicines for losing weight.

Pregnant women who suffer from bulimia are depressive

Pregnant women who suffer from bulimia
Studies have shown that women who suffer from this evil disease are prone to depression and anxiety more than other women.
Pregnant women who suffer from bulimia are anxious and depressing, the study showed. Eating disorder leads to a lack of self respect and the people who suffer from these diseases favor continuous state of dissatisfaction.
But bulimia in pregnancy can have bad consequences for the mother and child. The results of studies of Norwegian Institute of Public Health showed that on 41 thousand pregnant women, on how much research has been conducted, 96 women meet criteria for a broader definition of bulimia in the first three months of pregnancy.
67 of them stated that they were bulimic half a year before the pregnancy occurred, while 26 pregnant women developed the disorder in the diet after pregnancy.
In women who have bulimia it was established that majority of them were sexually abused. In addition, they favor severe forms of depression compared with other women.

Bulimia – attacks of obsessive overindulgence

Bulimia is obsessive overindulgence
If your daily scheme of conduct is as follows: large quantities of overindulgence in favorite food (usually sweet and greasy), which is followed with the strong feeling of guilt and fear of getting fat if therefore you "must" throw out the food from the body at any cost and you cause vomiting, take laxative or fanatically exercise, you have an eating disorder, which is called bulimia.
After vomiting, the starvation that lasts until hungry generally follows, when it again goes to overindulgence. So the complete food cycle is all or nothing, or too much or too little
BULIMIC people are usually very emotionally sensitive and a great perfectionist in everything they do. Very critical towards them self, underestimate themselves and always prone to extremes. If something is not done perfectly, they consider it is not worth at all and a loser grade is transferred to their whole life.
Treatment of this disorder is quite complex, because at the same time they need intensive psychotherapeutic treatment, and Nutritional treatment, but the results are excellent and pretty quick.