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Thursday, July 16, 2009

About bulimia

Bulimia is a real disease and people suffering from it usually are not able to control the disease without professional help. Pleads from family and friends to stop such conduct in the best cases are useless, but in the worst have the opposite effect.
It is considered that the pressures and conflicts within the family are initial signs of bulimia. A bulimic is usually a person who wants too much and strives to achieve perfection, and feels that it cannot meet the expectations of their parents. Her self-esteem is very low and suffers from depression. Maybe as a child it was physically or sexually abused, about half of all sick persons suffering from bulimia in the past had experience of abuse.

Signs that indicate a bulimia:
Often is the ideal body weight sustainable
Enhanced fear of getting fat
Consuming the food in excessive quantities
Secretly consuming food
A common feeling of hunger
Preoccupation thoughts about food and consuming food
Lack of control in the vicinity of food

Emotional characteristics:
Frequent mood changes
Abuse of drugs and alcohol
Disrespect of yourself
Great need for acceptance by the surroundings

Physical characteristics:problems with teeth
shaggy lips
thyroid problems
self-maiming * sore throat
irregular menstrual cycle
heart problems

New research on diet: Former Vegetarians inclined to get bulimia

Former Vegetarians inclined to get bulimia
Research recently conducted in the United States proved that the former vegetarian were inclined to get eating disorders.

In relation to the examinees that have a normal diet, the former Vegetarians have higher chances to consume large amounts of food in a short time and then force its ejection from the body.
Thus, to ex-vegetarians bulimia is more threatening, and they often use medicines for losing weight.

Pregnant women who suffer from bulimia are depressive

Pregnant women who suffer from bulimia
Studies have shown that women who suffer from this evil disease are prone to depression and anxiety more than other women.
Pregnant women who suffer from bulimia are anxious and depressing, the study showed. Eating disorder leads to a lack of self respect and the people who suffer from these diseases favor continuous state of dissatisfaction.
But bulimia in pregnancy can have bad consequences for the mother and child. The results of studies of Norwegian Institute of Public Health showed that on 41 thousand pregnant women, on how much research has been conducted, 96 women meet criteria for a broader definition of bulimia in the first three months of pregnancy.
67 of them stated that they were bulimic half a year before the pregnancy occurred, while 26 pregnant women developed the disorder in the diet after pregnancy.
In women who have bulimia it was established that majority of them were sexually abused. In addition, they favor severe forms of depression compared with other women.

Bulimia – attacks of obsessive overindulgence

Bulimia is obsessive overindulgence
If your daily scheme of conduct is as follows: large quantities of overindulgence in favorite food (usually sweet and greasy), which is followed with the strong feeling of guilt and fear of getting fat if therefore you "must" throw out the food from the body at any cost and you cause vomiting, take laxative or fanatically exercise, you have an eating disorder, which is called bulimia.
After vomiting, the starvation that lasts until hungry generally follows, when it again goes to overindulgence. So the complete food cycle is all or nothing, or too much or too little
BULIMIC people are usually very emotionally sensitive and a great perfectionist in everything they do. Very critical towards them self, underestimate themselves and always prone to extremes. If something is not done perfectly, they consider it is not worth at all and a loser grade is transferred to their whole life.
Treatment of this disorder is quite complex, because at the same time they need intensive psychotherapeutic treatment, and Nutritional treatment, but the results are excellent and pretty quick.

Friday, June 5, 2009

CAUSE IS Bulimia is hormonal imbalance?

bulimia and weight
Around one third of cases of bulimia nervosa, is not only a result of psychological disorders, but can be attributed to hormonal imbalance that can be treated easily, with hormone therapy, such as contraceptive pills. The survey conducted at the Carolina Institute in Sweden revealed that.

On the basis of food disorders, there is, on hormonal level, too much testosterone and low levels of estrogen, which determine excessive feel of hunger. At half of patients with diagnosed bulimia, a therapy of balancing testosterone / estrogen proved to be very effective. Bulimia, which attacks 10 women in relation to 1 man, it is the most outspreaded eating disorder that is characterized by convulsive famine in which a person eats huge amounts of food, especially those rich in fats and sugars and in short time. Such overindulgence usually follows vomiting or incorrect laxative use.
Experts have archived bulimia as a psychological disorder and in this way they tried to heal it. But this research confirmed, it is not the end of the story. Swedish team of experts determined that at least one of the three cases of bulimia has its roots in the organic hormonal nature. With many bulimics it is determined an excess of male hormones testosterone and female estrogen deficit. Testosterone is associated with stimulation of hunger, which may explain some of the bulimic behavior. Researchers have also proven that a short hormonal therapy shows success in half of tested patients.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bulimia - Eating disorders

Bulimia - Eating disorders
Bulimia is one of the diet disturbances. Marked by the excessive eating of food, only to later vomit or use laxative to purify the body. Symptoms of bulimia are a little harder to spot, because of the fact that a person does not change too much on the outside, unless it has two disorders combined. These are diseases of thyroid gland, damage to stomach, intestinal flora, sore throat, abuse of alcohol, over-indulgence in all that life offers. " With long-term bulimia dental damage start to show. Parents of young girls and boys usually know all mentioned, but they do not know one thing. They do not know that the fact that the disorders mentioned are compensation for something, whether it's love, friendship, confidence, tenderness ....

Lack of something leads to loss of control, which these young people wish to build, so when they cannot do so in other fields, they control their body. As we can see, CONTRO is the key word and that is what should be understood when if a problem is to be to solve. As society progresses, some standards deteriorate. Despite the efforts of NGOs, women beauty is still low weight, pallor, and what not. How does a young girl, still developing must feel in such environment? Or women in her twenties that has, for example in pregnancy collected a few excess kilos? The treatment consists of every person being treated individually and due to complex psychological and social aspects of illness, it is important to include team of doctors, nutritionists, dieticians and psychologists, who will recommend a treatment and monitor it. Treatment is successful in only 50% of cases, and only 20-30% of patients continue to live normally.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

... more about bulimia ...

girl with bulimia
Bulimia is characterized by periodic attacks of overindulgence and expressed concern for personal appearance and weight. Bulimia predominantly affects young women. Food intake is the instinct for self-preservation. Disturbance of that drive may lead to losing it totally on one hand, and increasing it, to feel the need for large quantities of food, on the other hand. Reduced appetite for food causes starvation. Starvation can be deliberate, with the goal of weight loss.
Increase of the drive for food is seen in some diseases, such as progressive paralysis, encephalitis and some brain tumors. This disorder may occur in epileptic and, where before the attack the patient has unbearable need for food, and then can eat it in huge quantities. Increased demand for food, in terms of ill overindulgence, is called bulimia and it is often the obsessive-compulsion disorder. In that case, food reduces stress, tension or fear. Bulimia is characterized by periodic attacks of overindulgence, and expressed concern for personal appearance and weight. Bulimia predominantly affects young women. Between the two attacks, person can resist even tastiest food, if it means consuming a lot of calories. However, after that these people lose control of appetite and "throw themselves" on large quantities of "forbidden" food.

For the prevention of obesity, they are using various tricks, such as deliberately vomiting and laxative intake. With time, and general health of bulimic starts to weaken, and are reported problems with teeth, dry skin and mouth, and problems with digestion and throat. Bulimia has many similarities with other diseases of addiction. In both cases, patients are occupied with substance on which they depend, they feel unbearable need for it and completely lose control when they consume that, on which they depend. Bulimia is a disease and people suffering from it are not able to control it without the help of professionals. After the doctor set the diagnosis, treatment begins as follows: psychotherapy, behavior or cognitive therapy.

Bulimia - unstoppable hunger

bulimia is danger
Bulimia means "bulls famine" and comes from the Greek words bous (ox) and limos (hunger). For people who suffer from bulimia, food is nice and auto destructive drug. Nervousness bulimia is a disease that is most common with girls in a later adolescence or young adult age, and rarely occurs with men. It is characterized by the episodes of overindulgence - taking large amounts of food in a short time. In more serious cases, people can eat huge amounts of food, usually carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrate material contain tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin, the chemical combination that brings a sense of calmness and satisfaction. So many people with a lack of serotonin are dependent on hydrocarbons, specifically on various sweets, bakery products and pasta.

Disorder of overindulgence
Disorder known by the name of "binge eating disorder" often means taking large quantities of food. The person feels an absence of control and is not able to stop eating when the attack of overindulgence happens. Can eat quickly larger quantities, or nibble food all day. Before the appearance of disturbance, probably was unsuccessful in dieting a few times. Mostly suffers from excessive weight and depression. Unlike bulimic patients, those who have pure overindulgence disorder usually do not vomit, do not take laxative excessive or exercise too much. In order to prevent undesirable consequence of overindulgence - getting the weight - people occasionally restricts entry of food and vomit, take laxative or exercise excessively. Overindulgence is usually followed by feelings of anxiety, sadness and guilt.

Some people overeat several times during the day, and every time after a binge, resort to vomiting. When it is "caught" by overindulgence, person can consume 5000 calories a day, and there are recorded cases of up to 25,000 calories in one day. It is very possible to die from acute expansion of the esophagus.Some people lust for food so strongly that people go through trash cans in search of food or steals from the shelves in supermarkets, only to fulfill the need. Person feels that its illness and needs are disgusting and holds them in secret.